How we met

Created by Jude one month ago

I met June on my first day at Kibbutz Palmachim in Israel, we were 19 and we took to each other right away, we spent time working in the Kibbutz kitchens together, so spent a lot of time together every day. June showed me the ropes of Kibbutz living as she had already been there a little while so was my guide. 
When we left Israel we kept very much in touch and we visited each other fairly regularly, but even if some time elapsed between communication, it was easy, like picking up where we left off last time. June was passionate in her feelings and forthright in her manner but had such a charm about her, generous and thoughtful. When we had our children we were delighted for each other and tried to be  part of their lives too. 
We are going to miss her aren’t we?
Goodbye to you my wonderful friend, thank you for your friendship and love ♥️